Setting up an Unlimited Company – The Risks and Benefits

When setting up a new business it is important to consider the legal structure that best suits your needs. There are several forms that this can take, including trading as a Sole Trader, a Partnership, a Limited company, and an Unlimited company, among others.

What is an Unlimited Company?

An unlimited company is a type of business entity that has no limit on the liability of its owners or shareholders. This means that the owners or shareholders of the company are personally liable for all the debts and obligations of the company, even if those debts exceed the value of the company’s assets.

Most often these are used as investment companies where privacy is required and where the risk of claims against the owners is negligible.

Benefits of setting up an Unlimited Company



Unlike publicly traded (limited) companies, unlimited companies are not required to disclose as much financial information to the public. This can be beneficial for companies that want to keep their financial information private.


Unlimited companies are not subject to many of the same legal and regulatory requirements as other types of companies. This can make it easier for the company to operate in a flexible manner, as it is not tied down by as many rules and regulations.

No Limitation of Shareholders

Unlimited companies can have an unlimited number of shareholders. This can be beneficial for businesses that have a large number of investors or want to raise capital through public offerings.



Risks of setting up an Unlimited Company


Unlimited Liability

As mentioned earlier, the owners or shareholders of an unlimited company are personally liable for all the debts and obligations of the company. This can put their personal assets at risk if the company is unable to pay its debts.

Difficulty in Raising Capital

Unlimited companies may find it difficult to raise capital compared to other types of companies, as investors may be reluctant to invest in a business where their liability is unlimited.

Limited Growth Opportunities

Unlimited companies may face limited growth opportunities as they are often unable to access funding from institutional investors, such as banks or venture capitalists, due to the high level of risk associated with unlimited liability.


In summary, setting up an unlimited company can provide flexibility and privacy. However, the unlimited liability of the owners or shareholders can be a risk, making it difficult to raise capital and limiting growth opportunities.

For more information on setting up an unlimited company, please contact Sam Morris at


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