Unlocking Success – Essential KPIs for Owner-Managed Businesses

Written by Ben Allman – Business Services Partner at Ballards LLP

As an owner-manager of a business, staying on top of your company’s performance is paramount. It’s not just about turning a profit; it’s about ensuring sustained growth, maintaining financial stability, and making informed decisions that drive your business forward. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the compass that guides us on this journey. In this article, I’ll unveil four essential KPIs that every owner-managed business should embrace for a prosperous future.

KPIs Insight OMBs

Gross Profit Margin

The Gross Profit Margin is a fundamental KPI that measures your business’s profitability after accounting for the cost of goods sold (COGS). It’s the percentage of revenue left over after deducting the direct costs associated with the production of goods or services.

Why It Matters:

Profitability: A healthy Gross Profit Margin indicates your ability to generate profit from core operations.

Efficiency: Monitoring this KPI helps identify cost inefficiencies or pricing strategies that may need adjustment.

Sustainability: It’s a barometer of your business’s ability to cover operating expenses and invest in growth.

Net Current Assets

Net Current Assets, often referred to as Working Capital, is the difference between current assets (like cash, accounts receivable, and stock) and current liabilities (like accounts payable and short-term debt).

Why It Matters:

Liquidity: Maintaining positive working capital ensures you can meet short-term obligations and seize opportunities.

Growth: Excess assets over working capital facilitates business expansion and investment in long-term assets.

Risk Management: A negative working capital can be a red flag, indicating potential financial instability. Don’t forget that company balance sheets appear on public records at Companies House.

Accounts Receivable/Trade Debtors

This KPI reflects the money owed to your business by customers who have purchased goods or services on credit. It’s essential to monitor this figure closely, especially for businesses that extend credit terms.

Why It Matters:

Cash Flow: Prompt collections ensure a steady influx of cash, reducing the need for external financing.

Risk Mitigation: Identifying overdue accounts early helps prevent bad debts and maintain financial health.

Customer Relationships: Efficient collections can positively impact customer relationships by demonstrating reliability.

EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortisation)

EBITDA represents your business’s operational profitability, excluding interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation. It provides insight into your core earnings potential.

Why It Matters:

Operational Efficiency: EBITDA helps evaluate the efficiency and profitability of your core operations.

Comparability: It allows for easy comparisons across companies, industries, and investment opportunities.

Strategic Planning: EBITDA provides a clear view of your earnings potential, aiding in long-term planning and investment decisions.

Incorporating these KPIs into your regular financial monitoring and reporting processes can provide invaluable insights. However, remember that the effectiveness of KPIs lies not just in tracking them but also in using the insights gained to inform your decision-making.

Furthermore, consider the unique aspects of your industry and business model when setting targets for these KPIs. What’s considered a healthy Gross Profit Margin or an acceptable level of Accounts Receivable can vary widely between businesses.

Lastly, it’s often beneficial to consult with financial professionals or business advisors who can help you interpret these KPIs and develop strategies to improve them. By harnessing the power of these KPIs, you can steer your owner-managed business toward a future filled with financial success and growth.

For more information and advice for owner-managed businesses please get in touch with Ben Allman at 01905 794 504 or email Ben.allman@ballardsllp.com

Disclaimer. This article has been prepared for information purposes only. Formal professional advice is strongly recommended before making decisions on the topics discussed in this release. No responsibility for any loss to any person acting, or not acting, as a result of this release can be accepted by us, or any person affiliated with us.

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