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Private Client Advisory Accounting Services

The demand for specialised tax advice among private clients has never been greater. Globally, legislation has become more complicated, tax authorities’ attitudes toward tax planning are hardening, and the risk of investigation is continuing to increase. We pay close attention to our clients’ specific needs and strive to provide an outstanding service through practical, tailored advice that is specifically geared towards an individual’s goals and priorities.

Income and Capital Gains Tax planning

The UK tax system is complex and frequently changing but there a number of legitimate, non-aggressive ways of improving tax efficiency. Our team of experts have years of experience navigating this system and as such can help you understand the rules and, more importantly, the reliefs and exemptions that are available to you. We can break these down for you and walk you through the intricacies, as well as prepare calculations based on different scenarios and decisions that you make.

Inheritance tax planning

Evaluating your likely Inheritance Tax exposure begins with gathering an overview of everything you own and owe, assessing what reliefs and exemptions might apply to those upon your death, and understanding how to improve on that. We carefully listen to what is important to you and assist you in striking a balance between making gifts during your lifetime and ensuring that you have enough to maintain your lifestyle. We offer an integrated approach to tax and financial planning and we can provide you with sound professional advice, giving you peace of mind before making any decisions.

Succession and estate planning through trusts and/or corporate structures

Choosing the right structure to give your family an effective way of passing wealth down the generations whilst protecting against issues such as marital breakdown, bankruptcy and family disputes is key.  We can help you to navigate the pros and cons of the various trust and corporate options to find the right solution for you. We can then support you through formation and administration and be on hand to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

Family office services

We’ve worked with a variety of shapes and styles of family offices over the years and can use our knowledge and experience to provide you with a better service, whether you want to engage in a large strategic project, outsource your compliance work or simply find a specialist for a one-off piece of advice. If you would like to put a family office in place, or use us as your family office, our experts will help you to explore your options. Taking the effort to understand the purpose and goals of your family office from the beginning will alleviate a lot of tension and guarantee that you develop on solid and sturdy foundations. We can then assist you with the creation and implementation of your plans throughout the process.

Business exit planning

Whatever your business size, we can help you formulate a plan that works for all stakeholders and maximises your returns.

New wealth advice – inheritors/divorcees/lottery winners/business sellers and so on

We can guide you through making a plan for structuring your new-found wealth and can help with financial education, support and guidance for you or your family members so that you can be confident you are well positioned and supported going forwards.

International and Non-Domicile Tax

Whether you are thinking about moving to the UK or leaving, how to structure an inbound investment into the UK, or you wish to explore whether you can take advantage of the generous non-UK domicile tax rules, we can help you plan your finances in a pragmatic, effective, and appropriate manner. We act for clients who have a UK tax footprint for a variety of reasons and can aide you whether you are an investor, an entrepreneur, an internationally mobile employee, a trust fund beneficiary and so on.

Personal Tax Compliance

Alongside strategic tax planning, we also provide a range of compliance based personal tax services such as

  • Personal tax returns and business accounts
  • Trust returns and accounts
  • Repayment claims
  • ATED returns
  • Automatic exchange of information reporting
  • Forms 50fs

Tax Investigations/Bringing your tax affairs up to date

We can take the burden off your shoulders and minimise the impact on you, whether the enquiry is the consequence of a tax reporting mistake or a misunderstanding of the UK’s complicated tax legislation. In the event that something goes wrong and you find that you have not reported something or that you have paid the incorrect amount of tax, we can assist you in making the necessary disclosures to HMRC and getting your affairs back on track.

For more information about our Private Client Advisory services
please get in touch.
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Preventing Software Update Disasters: Key Questions for Business Leaders and non-technical staff in charge of IT

As a business leader, understanding how to prevent software update disasters is crucial, especially if your company is a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) without ...
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Beyond the Blue Screen: Broader Implications of the CrowdStrike Incident

The CrowdStrike incident will likely serve as a case study in the importance of rigorous testing, the risks of rapid update deployment, and the far-reaching ...
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Navigating Uncertainty: Effective Financial Risk Management Strategies

Effective financial risk management is not just about avoiding pitfalls; it's about creating a resilient framework that allows businesses to thrive amidst uncertainty.
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Safeguarding Your Business: Essential Strategies for Fraud Prevention

In safeguarding your business against fraud, you're not just protecting your assets; you're investing in the long-term security and success of your organisation.
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How to Choose the Right Wealth Management Advisor? Building a Partnership for Financial Security

Building and safeguarding your wealth requires careful planning and expert guidance. At Ballards LLP, we understand the importance of choosing the right wealth management advisor ...
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Important Xero Package Changes Coming 12 September 2024

Ballards LLP would like to inform you about upcoming changes to Xero Package Changes, which will take effect from 12 September 2024. Please see the ...
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HMRC’s New Campaign Targets Persons Of Significant Control

HMRC has launched a new campaign that could impact Ballard’s clients, especially those with significant control over companies. This initiative aims to ensure that tax ...
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What is Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and why is it important?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It's a framework used to measure a business's impact on society and the environment, as well as its ...
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What Are The Core Elements of Digital Transformation? Charting Your Course to a Digital Future

In today's dynamic business landscape, digital transformation is no longer optional – it's essential for survival and growth. But what exactly is digital transformation, and ...
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Property Watch – May 2024 UK residential property transactions

Property Watch – March 2024. Have a look at the UK residential property transactions for UK housing market for the year to 1 May 2024 ...
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Digital Transformation: Dealing with legacy systems

Over the years I’ve noticed that one of the most significant challenges faced by Owner-Managed Businesses (OMBs) is dealing with legacy systems and processes that ...
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Digital Transformation: Prioritisation with limited resources

Some of the most pressing challenges faced by Owner-Managed Businesses (OMBs) is prioritising digital transformation initiatives amid competing business needs. With limited resources and multiple ...
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Digital Transformation: Having a lack of in-house expertise

Over the years, I've noticed that one of the most significant challenges faced by Owner-Managed Businesses (OMBs) is the lack of in-house expertise to effectively ...
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Digital Transformation: Resistance to change

I've often found that one of the most significant challenges faced by Owner-Managed Businesses (OMBs) is resistance to change. This resistance can manifest in various ...
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What is Unlimited Liability? Understanding the Risks and Rewards

As a business owner, navigating the legal and financial complexities can be daunting. One crucial concept to understand is unlimited liability. At Ballards LLP, we ...
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6 Reasons Why Businesses Outsource Financial Tasks: Focus on Growth, Not Paperwork

As a business owner, you wear many hats. From product development and marketing to customer service and sales, your time is a precious commodity. Yet, ...
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The McCloud Pension Remedy: What NHS Staff Need to Know

The long-awaited McCloud pension remedy is finally being implemented, but it brings significant complexities that NHS staff and GP practices must prepare for. At the ...
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Are Wealth Management Services Worth It? A Specialist’s Perspective

At Ballards LLP, we understand that navigating the complexities of wealth management can be daunting. You've worked hard to accumulate your assets, and ensuring their ...
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What is “Digital First” and what are the business benefits?

Where technology continues to reshape the way companies operate and interact with customers, adopting a digital first approach has become increasingly crucial. This shift towards ...
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Nashville Was Investment Music To My Ears – By Andy Bewick

Check out our latest International Insight blog by Andy Bewick. Andy and James Syree visit the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce during their recent trip ...
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How Being Data Driven Can Support Your Business

In an age where data is abundant and technology is advanced, embracing data-driven decision making has become a crucial strategy for businesses to thrive and ...
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Financial Modelling for Business Growth

Financial modelling has emerged as a powerful tool that enables organisations to assess their financial performance, evaluate potential scenarios, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging ...
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Property Watch – April 2024 UK residential property transactions

Property Watch – March 2024. Have a look at the UK residential property transactions for UK housing market for the year to 30 April 2024 ...
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Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping: Free Up Your Time and Focus on What Matters Most

Here at Ballards LLP, our specialist bookkeepers understand the challenges faced by busy business owners. We believe that by outsourcing bookkeeping, you can free up ...
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How to Start a Business and What to Keep in Mind Financially

At Ballards LLP, our specialist accountants are here to guide you through the financial considerations of starting a business, ensuring you're well-equipped for success. ...
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Cybersecurity: Answering the Executive Team’s Key Questions

By Bal Siyan, Fractional IT Director & CIO. As an executive leader, you know that cybersecurity is critical for protecting your law firm's data, reputation, ...
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Revolutionising Retail With Frictionless Payments

A wave of frictionless payments innovations stands poised to finally overhaul this dated, friction-filled ritual. From mobile wallets to biometric authentication, retailers can now minimise ...
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Leveraging Financial Benchmarking to Optimise GP Surgery Performance

Understanding the Fundamentals of Financial Benchmarking. At its core, financial benchmarking involves the systematic comparison of your surgery's financial metrics against a set of predefined ...
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McCloud Remedy – Key Dates and Potential Action Required

McCloud Remedy is ruling a case which stems from the 2015 public sector reforms which transitioned many public sector pension members into the new pension ...
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What is The Best LMS?

In today's dynamic business environment, digital transformation is no longer optional – it's the key to survival and growth. A core aspect of this transformation ...
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How Technology Has Ignited the Digital Transformation Revolution

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation isn't optional – it's essential for survival and growth. But this transformation journey isn't driven by sheer ...
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Benefits of Fractional CIO Services for Your Business

Fractional CIOs bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. They have typically worked in a variety of industries and have a deep ...
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Property Watch – March 2024 UK residential property transactions

Property Watch – March 2024. Have a look at the UK residential property transactions for UK housing market for the year to 31 March 2024 ...
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How to Prepare for an Audit: A Guide for Businesses

At Ballards LLP, we understand that receiving an audit notification can cause a sense of apprehension for businesses of all sizes. However, with a proactive ...
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How Accountants Add Value to Business: Beyond the Numbers

In today's competitive business environment, every decision can have a ripple effect on your company's success. As a business owner, you juggle a multitude of ...
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What is the Best ERP for Business?

In today's era of digital transformation, where businesses are rapidly adopting technology to stay competitive and agile, selecting the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system ...
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A Personal Tax Account: An Essential Tool for Doctors

As a doctor, managing your finances and ensuring accurate tax payments can be a daunting task. Fortunately, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has introduced a ...
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Crafting a Successful System Implementation: A Comprehensive Guide

Establish a solid successful system implementation for the project and ensure that the implementation aligns with the organisation's overall strategic goals. The first and perhaps ...
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How to Start Digital Transformation: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's dynamic business environment, digital transformation is no longer optional – it's essential for survival. Businesses of all sizes, from established enterprises to innovative ...
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PCSE Seniority Payment Adjustments: A Heads Up for Upcoming GMS Statements

Attention GP practices: A reminder about the PCSE seniority payment adjustments first communicated in October 2023. Most practices should now have received communication from PCSE ...
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Optimising Profitability: The Importance of Effective Systems and Processes

Where margins are constantly being squeezed and competition is fierce, the ability to optimising profitability is a critical factor for success. One of the key ...
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Entering a New Market: Key Considerations for Businesses

Expanding into a new market can be an exciting, yet daunting, prospect for any business. Whether you're looking to grow your customer base, diversify your ...
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The Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) Scheme: Empowering Start-ups and Small Businesses

For start-ups and small businesses looking to attract, retain, and incentivise top talent, the Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) scheme can be a powerful tool. Introduced ...
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What’s The Difference Between An MBO And An MBI?

What's the Difference Between an MBO and an MBI? When it comes to business transitions and ownership changes, two commonly used terms are MBO (management ...
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Benefits Of Using A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System

Benefits of using a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a powerful tool designed to help businesses manage and streamline their interactions and relationships with ...
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Property Watch – February 2024 UK residential property transactions

Property Watch – February 2024. Have a look at the UK residential property transactions for UK housing market for the year to 29 February 2024 ...
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Demystifying Wealth Management: Building a Roadmap to Your Financial Future

Building and preserving wealth is a lifelong journey, demanding careful planning, informed decisions, and a comprehensive strategy.
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Protecting Your Wealth: Smart Inheritance Tax Strategies for 2024-25

Protecting your wealth is levied on the total value of an individual's estate, encompassing property, money, and possessions, upon their passing. For the 2024-25 tax ...
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Changes to the GP Contract 2024/25: Implications for Primary Care Networks – Budgeting, Forecasting, and Financial Planning

This is clearly insufficient to cover the rise in costs already seen for Primary Care Networks (PCNs) or general practice, as a result we may ...
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Achieve Robust Cyber Security: 10 Essential Steps

How to achieve robust cyber security? Protecting your organisation from cyber threats is paramount. At Ballards LLP, our Cyber Team offers comprehensive guidance to help ...
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