Introducing the R&D Additional Information Form

Effective 1st August 2023, a new requirement has been introduced to further streamline the Research and Development (R&D) tax credit claim process. Businesses seeking to claim R&D tax credits will need to complete the R&D Additional Information Form (AIF), an essential component aimed at enhancing transparency, improving claim accuracy, and facilitating efficient processing. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the R&D additional form and its significance in optimizing R&D tax credit claims.

Understanding the Additional Information Form

The R&D AIF is updated documentation required for all R&D tax credit claims, designed to provide comprehensive details regarding the nature of the R&D activities, associated costs, and supporting evidence. This form supplements the existing claim submission and ensures that all relevant information is captured, allowing tax authorities to make well-informed decisions while processing R&D tax credit claims.

Additional Information Form – Key Elements

Detailed R&D Project Description

The form will require businesses to provide a detailed description of the R&D project, outlining the objectives, methodologies, technological uncertainties, and innovative aspects. This section aims to provide HMRC with a comprehensive understanding of the project’s nature, enabling them to assess its eligibility for R&D tax credits accurately.

Breakdown of Eligible R&D Costs

Businesses will be required to provide a thorough breakdown of the eligible R&D costs incurred during the project. This includes direct costs, such as employee wages, materials, and subcontractor expenses, as well as indirect costs, such as overheads and utilities. By providing a clear breakdown, businesses can substantiate their claim with proper documentation, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

Supporting Evidence and Documentation

To strengthen their claim, businesses may wish to submit relevant supporting documentation, such as project plans, and experimental records. These documents will serve as evidence of the R&D activities conducted, further validating the claim, and providing a comprehensive overview of the project’s scope and impact.

Collaboration and Partnerships

If the R&D project involves collaboration with external entities, such as research institutions, universities, or other businesses, the AIF will require businesses to disclose the details of these partnerships. This information will help HMRC to assess the collaborative nature of the project and ensures that any associated costs and benefits are appropriately accounted for in the claim.

Additional Information Form – Benefits

Improved Claim Accuracy and Efficiency

By providing comprehensive project details, cost breakdowns, and supporting documentation upfront, the AIF significantly enhances claim accuracy. This should minimise the need for additional information requests and reduces processing delays, ensuring a more efficient and streamlined R&D tax credit claim process.

Enhanced Transparency and Compliance

The introduction of this change, emphasizes transparency and compliance with R&D tax credit guidelines. It enables businesses to provide a detailed account of their R&D activities and associated costs, ensuring that claims are supported by accurate and reliable information. This promotes responsible utilisation of the R&D tax credit incentive while maintaining the integrity of the program.

Additional Information Form – Conclusion

The introduction of the R&D Additional Information Form from 1 August 2023, marks a significant step towards formalising the R&D tax credit claim process. This enhanced documentation requirement ensures transparency, accuracy, and compliance in R&D tax credit claims.

This applies for all submissions made from 1 August 2023, regardless of the year-end of the applicant, and as this involves further work beyond the usual R&D report, clients may see an overall uplift in the cost of an R&D service in order to sufficiently support a company through these ever-evolving tax relief schemes, although there will inevitably be elements of duplication as a result of this legislative change.

Although some businesses and agents will already be operating to these standards, this is aimed towards those who have fallen short of these requirements, and therefore, it clearly stipulates the requirements of supporting evidence to make this more uniform and to a minimum standard. For many, this will be “business as usual” with regards to gathering the data each year, however, for some, this may require more effort to truly substantiate every element of their claim.

If you would like to discuss these changes and what they may mean for your claim, please do not hesitate to contact Gina Gardner at

For more information about our services and how we can help your business please get in touch.
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