Dealing with NHS Pension Payment Problems as a GP

It’s no secret that many GPs across the UK are increasingly frustrated with ongoing issues accessing correct and up-to-date pension information from Primary Care Support England (PCSE). Pension records often seem to lag behind, mostly due to delays processing annual Type 1 and Type 2 pension certificates. This means the pension totals shown on our online Total Rewards Statements are frequently inaccurate or incomplete.

As you can imagine, it’s incredibly concerning as a GP to submit all the proper pension paperwork annually, only to see no progress on your pension record for months or even years afterwards. It leaves you unable to get an accurate view of your true NHS pension position.

To make matters worse, submitted Type 1 certificates are regularly rejected by PCSE for questionable reasons, even when all the figures are completely accurate. Some common problems seen are discrepancies between your listed contributions and PCSE’s records, PCSE failing to apply BACS payments correctly, and monthly contributions being incorrectly categorised.

So, what steps can you take when your certificate gets rejected or stuck in limbo? Firstly, check the PCSE portal for your annual certificate listing screen. Any missing years likely mean an unprocessed certificate. Consider submitting a formal enquiry to PCSE explaining the issue and attach your original certificate. Clearly outline what contributions were already paid to help PCSE update their records. Persistence and patience is key!

You can also work proactively to minimise future issues. Practices should review monthly statements carefully to ensure correct pension deductions for all GPs. The GPs should submit joiner and leaver forms promptly when entering or leaving. Get an accountant’s help with annual profit estimates. Act quickly on any errors to limit cash flow disruptions.

While improving these pension systems is still an ongoing battle, being vigilant about paperwork and relentlessly following up with PCSE when problems arise is essential. With determination, we can get the full pension payments all GPs deserve after so many years serving the NHS.

For more information, please contact Matthew Watson at

Disclaimer. This article has been prepared for information purposes only. Formal professional advice is strongly recommended before making decisions on the topics discussed in this release. No responsibility for any loss to any person acting, or not acting, as a result of this release can be accepted by us, or any person affiliated with us.

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